Tuesday, November 15, 2016



One thing I've learned recently,  is life sometimes needs a total shake down, full blown crumble, fall to your knees, how can I do this moment for you to finally find your worth. Sometimes finding your worth comes to you through the tear steaks on your face slowing whispering to your soul, "I can't do this anymore. I deserve more." It's in these moments you find your worth.

It's in these moments, in the soul crushing pain that you find what you truly made of, what you can endure, what you won't endure, what you want, and how you can rise up after the crash and still be okay. It's in these moments you find your worth. 

It's in these moments you realize that you are strong, brave,  kind, and you are love. You realize that you can get though anything and grow into the woman you were created to be. Is it hard? Does it hurt like hell? Yes. But you trust the process and hold tight to faith that you are exactly where you need to be. It's in these moments you find your worth. 

It's in these moments where everything is so confusing that you learn to still yourself, sit with the pain, sit with the loneliness and feel it all. The loneliness is suffocating but loneliness teaches you a lot about your heart. It gently whispers all the things your heart is longing for, what you deserve, what feels right. It's in these moments you find your worth. 

It's in these moments you realize that your openness and transparency is a gift. That being who you are is a gift. That hiding who you are, your thoughts, your heart, your mind is such a uncomfortable way to live. It doesn't feel natural. So you stay open and authentic. The mask comes off and you're just you. Exposed. Honest. Vulnerable. Will you accept me or not? It doesn't matter. I am enough and I'll never be too much for the right people. The right people will love me with the purest of love because I'm seen, known, and fully accepted as is. It's in these moments you find your worth. 

It's in ALL these little moments you realize that you are a treasure. A gift. Something truly rare and beautiful. Not for how you look, but for your entire being. For you. This is moment you find your worth. You see, you are whole all by yourself, you just didn't know it yet. But now you know. And you are worth it all. As is. Just you. 

So worth it. 

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